BCI NET Dec 94.iso
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New IFF Modules and Applications - Release Notes
(from most recent to oldest release)
Changes for 39.11 release (September 1993):
Added UWORD maxdisplaydepth(ULONG displayid) to module getdisplay.c
now use that instead of the constant MAXAMDEPTH. This means if all
planes cannot be displayed, system will be queried (if V37 or higher)
to find out what depth CAN be displayed, and that depth will be used.
This new function is used in module getdisplay.c and app ILBMLoad.c.
Warning - Now that depth isn't clipped to 8 artificially, deeper
displays may be opened if a system or system + graphics board
allows that capability. Keep that in mind, especially if you
have palette things, etc. which assume a fixed maximum. If you
can't deal with this, change screen.c maxdisplaydepth() to
just return MAXAMDEPTH (8).
Added argument BOOL NoCenter to clipit() routine in screen.c
to disable centering outside of max overscan if ilbm->IFFPFlag
IFFPF_NOCENTER is set. When centering is disabled, upper left of
image will be placed at upper left of display clip if screen is
larger than max overscan for its mode (rather than centering the
screen around the display clip).
Fixed some compiler warnings on -1 DetailPen/BlockPen by adding
appropriate casting in modules/screen.c and in several examples.
corrected CloseClipboard() cast to (struct ClipboardHandle *) in
parse.c. Removed unused iffp/amiga.h include file.
Fixed queryilbm() in loadilbm.c to only stop on a BODY, not on
a CMAP or a BODY (CAMG might be after CMAP).
Added to ilbmapp.h IFFPF_NOMONITOR flag for IFFPFlags. This flag
tells CAMG loading and saving code to remove monitor ID from
modeid when saving or loading. Useful if program or user wants
default monitor used.
Note for anyone who wants to use Amiga.lib stdio functions instead
of compiler stdio functions: define USE_AMIGA_IO in your Makefile
(or add it to compiler.h) and recompile all of the modules.
Changed all example CTRL-C handling to handle both __SASC and LATTICE
Bumped all example versions to 39.10
Changed Makefile.SAS for SAS 6.x and recompiled modules and examples
Recompiled modules for Manx (iffobj/Manx)
Display executable (in other/) has two new keywords and also fixed
argument parsing (older version could parse past its args and
accidentally turn on printing, looping etc.)
Changes for 39.8 release (January 1993):
Fixed bug in the ilbmr.c getcamg() routine which could result in a bad
modeid if the CAMG contained non-HIRES low word and garbage upper word.
Bumped all example revisions to 39.8.
Changes for 39.7 release (December 1992):
Just updated the version of bumprev in bin/ (the one with 39.6 archive
still propagated paths into version strings). Bumped all application
versions to 39.7. Cleaned up docs a bit. Put V39.7 Display executable
and icon in other/.
Changes for 39.6 release (December 1992):
Just a recompile to fix version strings of the apps. The old bumprev
would propagate any path to the revision file into the version string
application name. New bumprev (in other/) fixes that.
Changes for 39.5 release (November 1992):
Note - 3.0 (V39) Amiga include files and amiga.lib are required to compile
the modules. Running the examples requires iffparse.library (may be
found on Workbench 2.0, 2.1, 3.0). All examples should run under 1.3 as
long as iffparse.library is present. Currently, a free amendment is
available for developers who have a 1.3 Workbench license which allows
them to also distribute iffparse.library.
modules/ilbmw.c in putbody, changed bufsize check to compare against
FileRowBytes (amount being written), not rowBytes
modules/ilbmr.c added GetBitMapAttr/destWidthBytes check
modules/saveilbm.c raised BODYBUF size from 4096 to 5004 (should allow
saving of bitmaps up to pixel width of 16384)
iffp/ilbm.h got rid of BytesPerRow macro which duplicated RowBytes
AND conflicted with a system structure member name.
Changed "BitsPerRow" macro to "RowBits" to match.
Also unconditionalized extern of GfxBase and IntuitionBase.
iffp/iff.h allow a conditional USE_AMIGA_IO define to cause use of
Amiga-specific prototypes rather than standard C stdlib.h
and stdio.h. If you define this, change your link to use
Amiga startup code like astartup.obj, and to link with
library amiga.lib first.
Also added inclusion of exec/libraries.h
apps/all bump revisions to 39.5
Changes for 39.4 beta developer release (November 1992):
The 39.3 release ilbmr.c modules contained a bug which would cause a black
(no color) display of any ILBM with the new BMHD.flags CMAPOK bit set.
This is fixed in 39.4. 39.3 had almost no distribution, but please see
39.3 notes for notes on significant changes.
Changes for version 39.4 (October 1992)
modules/ilbmr.c fix 39.3 bug which would cause black (no color) display
if new CMAKOK flag was set (would be set by new save code)
apps/all bump revisions to 39.4
Changes for version 39.3 developer beta release (October 1992)
iffp/ilbm.h define BMHD flag CMAPOK advisory; suggestion for ALPHA
iffp/ilbmapp.h define flags/variable for BESTFIT, CMAPOK, USERMODE
modules/ilbmr.c only sniff colors actually used when determining whether
all colors have been stored shifted
modules/screen.c add conditional V39 BestFit() code to modefallback
add support of BESTFIT and USERMODE (explicit mode)
add code to fall back on depth
do ScreenToBack() before closing window, screen
modules/getbitmap.c conditionally use AllocBitmap and FreeBitMap
modules/iffpstrings.c modify for new CatComp 39.x output
modules/all use new CatComp 39.x to generate iffp/iffpstrings.h
no longer have iffpstringids.h (instead, define
CATCOMP_NUMBERS before including iff headers, except
in iffpstrings.c (where CATCOMP_ARRAY is defined)
apps/all use appname_rev.h (bumprev) revision files
Changes for version 39.1 developer beta release (July 1992)
iffp/ilbm.h define Color32, proto setcolors and new loadcmap
iffp/ilbmapp.h extend ILBMInfo - recompile if you added variables to end
modules/ilbmr.c changed getcolors, added setcolors, WARNING: I had to change
the interface to loadcmap (check if you are calling loadcmap in your
modules/getdisplay.c uses new setcolors
modules/loadilbm.c uses new setcolors
modules/saveilbm.c conditional code to use GetRGB32
Changes for version 37.10 (July 1992)
modules/getdisplay.c use scr->RastPort.BitMap instead of &scr->BitMap
modules/loadilbm.c use scr->RastPort.BitMap instead of &scr->BitMap
modules/saveilbm.c use scr->RastPort.BitMap instead of &scr->BitMap
apps/24BitDemo.c use scr->RastPort.BitMap instead of &scr->BitMap
apps/Play8SVX.c nows screens for unknown compression types,
old "clock" variable is now called "tclock"
apps/(all) recompiled with new modules, versions bumped to 37.10
modules/(many) added/changed some D(bug()) lines
iffp/ftxt.h added
NOTE - the "PlaySMUS.c" is just the beginnings of a SMUS reader -
not yet a player.
Special notes regarding the 37.10 release:
The following files have changed:
- modules/getdisplay.c modules/loadilbm.c modules/saveilbm.c
now all use scr->RastPort.BitMap instead of &scr->BitMap
for future compatibility
- apps/24BitDemo/24BitDemo.c
now uses scr->RastPort.BitMap instead of &scr->BitMap
for future compatibility
- apps/Play8SVX/Play8SVX.c
nows screens for unknown compression types
changed "clock" variable name to "tclock" (Manx seems to have
it own "clock" variable ?)
- apps/(all) - recompiled with new modules, versions bumped to 37.10
- modules/(many) - some D(bug()) lines added or changed
- iffp/ftxt.h added
NOTE - the "PlaySMUS.c" is just the beginnings of a SMUS reader -
not yet a player.
Changes for version 37.9 (April 1992)
iffp/ilbm.h updated description of CAMG chunk for 2.0 usage
modules/ilbmw.c incorporated J. Moller fixes for wider src bitmaps
modules/screen.c added version check before PubScreenStatus() calls
modules/iffpstrings.c fixed IFFerr() equivalence tests and null string
modules/loadilbm.c use MIN(ncolors,vp->ColorMap->Count) for color loading
modules/getdisplay.c use MIN(ncolors,vp->ColorMap->Count) for color loading
modules/ilbmr.c use MAX(ncolors,32) for colortable allocation
modules/(all) force and use new V37 Intuition #defines
apps/(all) force and use new V37 Intuition #defines, bump version
Special notes regarding the 37.9 release:
- All examples and modules which use Intuition #defines
have been modified to force the use of (and use) the
new prefixed Intuition labels for these #defines.
- ilbmw.c was modified to deal with source bitmaps which
have larger bytes-per-row than normal.
Special notes regarding the previous 37.8 release:
- the screen.c module now checks to see if the opened
screen is a public screen, and if so, sets the screen's
status to public before opening a window on it.
- the screen and display closing routines now return
success or failure so that public screen openers
can check to make sure that they were able to
close their display.
- all iffp module strings and message routines have
now been centralized in a new module iffpstrings.c.
This will facilitate internationalization.
Changes for version 37.8 (November 1991)
modules/iffpstrings.c added for centralized string and message processing
iffp/iffpstrings.h (same as above)
iffp/iffpstringids.h (same as above)
modules/(all) modified to get strings via iffpstrings.c
modules/screen.c public screen support, close may fail if public
modules/getdisplay.c public screen support, close may fail if public
modules/getbitmap.c closeifile under all errors in loadbrush, loadilbm
modules/loadilbm.c closeifile under all errors in showilbm
apps/screensave.c option to save front ViewPort
The modules/ directory contains the module sources and SAS C 5.10a
object modules. If you are using Manx, copy Makefile.Manx to
Makefile, and copy iffobj/Manx/#?.o to the modules/ directory.
The includes files subdirectory (iffp/) may be placed in your
current directory or your normal include directory.
Read Compiler.README for other notes.
Since second upload to BIX - major update - version 37.5
modules/packer.c lowercase and ANSIIize uppercase funcs
modules/unpacker.c lowercase and ANSIIize uppercase funcs
modules/ilbmr.c correct colortable building code (build rgb correctly)
filter camg's with EXTENDED_MODE set but 0 upper word
modules/ilbmw.c correct CMAP writing code (scale, not shift, to 8 bits)
modify putcmap interface to accept 4, 8, 32-bit tables
lowercase and ANSIIize uppercase funcs
modules/saveilbm.c use GetRGB4 to get screen's colortable
modify saveilbm interface to accept trans and mask,
and also to accept 4, 8, 32-bit colortables
modules/bmprintc.c get rid of superfluous comma
modules/loadilbm.c moved showilbm() to getdisplay() module
modules/getdisplay.c added showilbm() from getdisplay() module
iffp/ilbm.h updated for new interfaces and lowercase names
apps/Play8SVX don't use eclock (not relevant to audio)
apps/RawtoILBM change saveilbm call
apps/24BitDemo change saveilbm call
apps/ScreenSave add options NODELAY, NOICON, QUIET, SEQUENCE
all apps minor cleanup, bump version, recompile/link
iffobj/Manx Manx object modules (SAS modules are in modules/)
Makefile Regrouped modules to segregate display and load
Makefile.Manx And Manx compatibility added (thanks to Steve Walton)
This involved small corrections to several modules.
Still gets warnings on UBYTE *strings.
Changes since initial upload to BIX
apps/RawtoILBM removed icon stuff (unused)
apps/24bitDemo new example (saves and loads a simple 24-bit ILBM)
iffp/ilbm.h added #define MAXSAVEDEPTH 24
iffp/ilbmapp.h added ilbm->stags for additional screen tags
modules/saveilbm.c don't save CMAP if colortable=0
modules/ilbmw.c fix PutBODY to save up to 24 planes plus mask
modules/getbitmap.c changed comments
modules/screen.c added custombitmap and ilbm->stags support